How We Give

Autoimmune diseases, specifically Lupus, disproportionately impact minority women. At Beneath Your Mask, we are committed to helping minority women affected with Lupus and other autoimmune diseases with the things that don’t often seem like necessities, but may be just as beneficial as medication and doctors’ visits. I contribute a large part of my healing to the health and wellness lifestyle adjustments I made. Often, after insurance and medication co-pays, there are often not enough funds for these things. Something as simple as help with the grocery bill, supplements, a yoga membership, lymphatic massages, food preparation or even a housekeeper can make a world of difference to someone going through what could be the most trying time of their life. In addition, we’ll also donate our full line of products to the quarterly chosen recipient.

Each quarter we will choose a recipient. Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know about deadlines for nominating yourself or someone you love for our give back.